kitty <3 husky

ahh after a long time no is the result, messed up sketch ^^; but yeah, I think it’s much better to practice my hands than to let it crack off all of the very less drawing ability I have :p

the husky is my boyfriend (I use to call him husky, and his loyalty always reminds me to a puppy, that’s why I draw him as a husky. It’s his icon now haha) and the kitty is me (yeah, he calls me kitty XD )

About what the pic is all about, well. can play with your imagination =^^=

la petite paris: update#1

Heyho! It’s been awhile since I haven’t posted the update, still can’t manage to get whole material so I guess I will just post the working progress and early design here! ❤ I’m soooo sorry but I search in many place and all of them are still out of stock >.<

the blueprint a.k.a sketch design

As you see I am highliting the word PINK there…I will have to reveal that I am making a fairytale version of the eiffel miniature…which is FULL PINK! yayy X3 Only I have to admit that I have to rush with a few things now so I am only done with the rough basic pattern, so it’s like 45% done >,<

Eiffel miniature – the basic frame

I know the pic isn’t nice, but the moment when the miniature is done, I will surely post a better pic^^. And yeah, the miniature still looks ugly as well, but don’t worry I still have a lot of decos and stuff to add, this is only the very basic frame. 🙂

Oh my, I guess I just need some refreshing you see, I am a bit stiff with the messy schedule here, so now I am going for some window shopping (^^)/ I am deeply in love with mineral stones, and even it’s expensive I am collecting them! ❤ Now I already have swarovsky necklace with a snowflake shape, pink crystal bangle (bought it in Ken Ting, Taiwan) and some others as well :3  Guess I’m just too crazy about it, so when my good friend lia from thediarytimes opened an online shop selling them I just can’t resist >.<

It’s a very enchanting birth stones in capsules, people says when you carry your birthtone it will bring luck to you! :3 I am born at march so my birthstone is aquamarine.. ^w^

Here is the capsules I am going to buy,  and the 2nd pic is the bottled version, it looks nice but I dunno where should I put that..besides, I am already in love with the watery capsule, and if you look closely the capsules have one whole piece of stone while the bottled one have  smaller stone pieces 😀

Guess what I will have to wait quite long I think, since these stuffs are from japan and Lia had to manage to get more of those. She said it’s been 2 months since the stocks last >.< It’s always sold out, I hope I can get one T_T

Erm…so guess now I’ll go to sneak some food, I’m starving @_@ I had more designs upcoming and one by one I will post the design plus the result here ❤ cya later! XD

(my random drawing, draw this to express

my big lust for salmon onigiri, ROFLOL) XD~